The Sheldon Museum and Cultural Center wants to thank many people for their help with the 36th annual Doll Fair. In particular a big thank you to the crafting expertise of Jess Callies and Diana Kelm, who helped the young, intrepid explorers make crowns and masks for adventuring in the Doll Universe. Sincere gratitude to Haytham Mohanna for decorating the tea party room, assisting the crafts, cleaning up afterward and for being a nice guy.

Thank you to Judy Erekson and Elena Saunders for their generosity in sharing their fabulous doll collections with the public. With no strings attached we thank the puppeteers, Tresham Gregg II, Annette Smith and Lorrie Dudzik, and the voices of Cherri Price and Audrey Smith. A virtuoso original musical effort was given by emcee Jeff Alvine.

Thank you to Georgia Sampson for her ongoing support by helping present and serve the refreshments at the tea party. A holiday three cheers for Mike Howard spreading joy while checking his list twice. A sweet sunny smile to the musicians of Sweet Sunny North. A heartfelt appreciation for those who brought doll-size treats, extra fantasy costumes, and especially our thanks to the young adults who dressed up in their costumes, brought their dolls, and participated in a traditional event started 36 years ago by Nancy Nash, inspired by Tasha Tudor’s book, “A Time to Keep.”

Scott Pearce, Sheldon Museum education coordinator
