Pet owners brought dogs, cats and children to the Haines Senior Center Saturday for Haines Animal Rescue Kennel’s annual Pet Photos with Santa. Although fewer people turned out than in previous years, the event was a success as there were no fights or messes, said executive director Steve Vick. Santa Claus lured dogs of all sizes onto his lap, while board member Betsy Lyons steered them toward the camera and animal control officer Tracy Mikowski snapped photos. Volunteer Krista Kielsmeier also helped. A blind dog, a trio of pugs, and a sled dog were among about 30 animals photographed. Pet Photos with Santa bloopers can be found on HARK’s Facebook page.
Barb and Lee Wilbur of Kennewick, Wash., were in town for the eagle festival, staying with Terry and Bonnie Sharnbroich. The retired teachers and former workers at Rainbow Glacier Camp said their first eagle festival was spectacular and its programs “top notch.” Barb said their grandchildren were excited to see them with Gold Rush stars John and Parker Schnabel. Barb and Lee report that former residents Bill, Lauren and Bridget Daniels, who they met through the Haines camp, are doing well in Washington’s Tri-Cities area. Barb also recalled a conversation years ago with her grandson’s swim instructor, Lexie DeWitt, a resident of the Tri-Cities area then planning a first visit to Haines.
Jacque Horn returned from a two-week trip to California, where she attended niece Serena Conti’s wedding in Paso Robles. She also reunited with college friends from alma mater Pasadena College, now Point Loma University. The group stayed at a resort in Cambria, Calif. Horn then visited daughter Heather Paar and granddaughters Pearle, 4, and Livia, 2, of Seattle, who were staying in Santa Barbara. Highlights were running around the beach with Pearle and going to the zoo.
School counselor Lindsey Moore was named president of the Alaska School Counselor Association last week. She received the group’s gavel at AkSCA’s statewide conference in Anchorage. Moore has served five years on the AkSCA board. As president, she’ll serve as the chair of the organization and represent it at the American School Counselor Association Delegate Assembly in Orlando, Fla., next spring. She’ll hold the presidency until November 2014.
Saturday’s Woman’s Club Bazaar was the best one to date, said club president and bazaar chair Georgia Sampson. There were more vendors – particularly local vendors – and more sales. Sampson, who spent the afternoon working the chili and hot dog booth, said money raised by the club goes to annual scholarships. Genny Szymanski’s crocheted “Baby Tufs,” Cassie Miller’s wine jelly and Megan Morehouse’s found art were among wares offered.
The Haines High School concert choir entertained at the Haines Senior Center lunch Nov. 13. About a dozen students in choir director Kristy Totten’s class sang. Music instructor Teresa Land was accompanist. The high school’s “man-choir” sang at the center Tuesday. Totten said she and Land want to do more community outreach, providing students more opportunities to perform. She plans to take instrumental students to the senior center in December to perform holiday music.
The Haines veterans’ support group is starting up again. Monthly meetings are anticipated. The next meeting is scheduled for 4 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 10, at the SEARHC counseling building near the Port Chilkoot Dock. For more information, contact Jim Moran at 314-0286.
Gene Kennedy said his puppet troupe is putting together a performance for February, under the name Gepetto’s Bar and Grille. The show will be a “cowboy-alien-spaceship musical,” Kennedy said, with shows at the Chilkat Center basement.
Tom Morphet and Jane Pascoe were in Sydney, Australia, last week for the funeral of Jane’s dad, Ron Pascoe, 94. Ron’s adventurous life started in London’s gritty East End, where he survived the destruction of his childhood home by aerial bombardment during the Battle of Britain. While serving in the Royal Navy, he was transferred to Australia. After the war, he found work in the fledgling airline industry, eventually rising to regional manager of Cathay Pacific Airways. Besides Sydney, he lived and worked in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and New Guinea.
Haines High School activities director Tiana Taylor says five volunteers have stepped forward for the basketball refereeing clinic. The clinic is this weekend.
A “Party in Pink” set for 4 p.m. Sunday at the elementary gym will raise funds to help former resident Kaci Ahmuty. Ahmuty, who moved from Haines about a year ago, was diagnosed with breast cancer in October. She’s on her third chemotherapy treatment. The event will include yoga and zumba.
