Over the weekend an incident happened at Deishu Drive concerning an old dog and his master, both who just moved to Haines since the loss of their loved one. As it goes, animals know us in and out.
This owner and dog just happened to go for a walk around the block. The dog did its business, but as it ended, a person came out and started cussing at both, saying it was his property – not true; he only lives there. But next day early morning, the person came over to the dog owner’s residence and came up to him and his dog and kicked his dog and cussed again. So who is trespassing? This was reported but the law did nothing to the animal abuser. I love my dog, as do many of us.
Nobody deserves to be treated as such. This person should be ashamed of himself. That dog is now devastated by this action. Our dogs and cats are just like kids. They show us love beyond our reach. Animal abusers suck.
Phillip Jackson