I am still ecstatic from the wonderful kindness showed me Sunday at my 90th birthday party.

Thanks to Lisa Schwartz for organizing the entire event. She claimed me to go on a ride to Chilkoot Lake; all that beauty. Who would want to leave this place? While we were out of the way, Annette Smith did her magic and transformed the Chilkat Center into an autumn wonderland. George Campbell, the bagpiper, was waiting to greet me and all the guests with his unique instrument. A big thank-you to the bakers: Deb Stanford, Mary Jean Sebens, and Carol Flegel. Thanks to Christy Tengs Fowler for the fabulous sonnets and Megan Whitermore for her birthday clarinet song. Also thanks to the serving crew: Sara Chapell, Lucia Chapell, Megan Whitermore, Kiana Donat, Annette Smith and Jacque Horn. I am still overwhelmed and now enjoying the memories of yet another Haines experience.

Maisie Jones
