Following a long, cold spring that kept snowmen standing into May, Haines saw a warmer summer than average, toppling a few temperature records.

A temperature of 86 degrees at the Haines Airport on Father’s Day, June 16, set a new record, eclipsing 80 degrees, the record set in 2002. Temperatures over 80 degrees F. that day also set records downtown and at the U.S. Customs Station.

A June 15 high of 86 degrees topped a previous high for the day, 85, set in 1936. A mark of 85 degrees at the airport June 24 also set a record, topping a high of 79 set in 2004.

Generally warmer temperatures were buffeted by intermittent rains, keeping the area from drying out, fire officials said. Borough fireman Al Badgley said that unlike some previous summers, the fire department never issued a complete burn ban and fire danger was rated “high” only on three days, primarily due to drops in humidity and concern from forestry officials.

“It was kind of bizarre. Humidities were up even though it was pretty dry. Rain was sporadic, but we had it periodically and that kept things kind of damp,” Badgley said. The season’s only wildfire was a small one near 2 Mile Lutak Road apparently touched off by lightning.

A daily record for rainfall was set May 31, when .72 inches fell, breaking a mark from the day of .67 inches in 1978. A low of 34 degrees in town May 20 tied a record low for that date.