On behalf of Lynn Canal Counseling Services (LCCS), we would like to thank the Chilkat Valley Community Foundation, an affiliate of the Alaska Community Foundation, for the recent $2,000 grant that allowed many individuals and families to access mental health and wellness resources. This generous donation from the Chilkat Valley Community Foundation allowed Lynn Canal Counseling to match an essential equipment grant through the State of Alaska to upgrade technological equipment, including a new server with software, 10 computers, five iPads for client use, an uninterrupted power supply and two remote access points. LCCS has a commitment to utilizing the highest quality resources to ensure staff has the tools required to perform their jobs and that all clients, regardless of disability, have a variety of resources that assist them in recovery and continued wellness. Thank you to all the donors who contribute to the Chilkat Valley Community Foundation for allowing Lynn Canal Counseling Services to provide mental health and substance abuse services to the Haines, Mosquito Lake, Klukwan and Skagway communities. Kelly Williamson, LPC, CDCI Lynn Canal Counseling Services, executive director
