A big thank you to Davey Ozahowski for donating $90 to the Haines Brownie troop, and for organizing such a fun event as White Fang Night! We hope it becomes an annual event. Also, thanks to Davey, Tommy Lang and Joe Ordonez for training our girls in canoe safety and then taking them out on Mosquito Lake for a paddle. We had five girls move up to Junior Girl Scouts from Brownies this weekend, some of them have been Girl Scouts here in Haines for going on five years. Quite an accomplishment! There will be open registration for girls grades K-12 interested in scouting at 4 p.m. Friday, Oct. 4 in the Haines School cafeteria. We do need adult leaders for some of the grade levels, so if you are interested in volunteering in any way, please come to this event, as well. Call me at 767-5492 if you have any questions. Thanks.
Edie Granger
Haines Girl Scout Troop 4101