KHNS and the Chilkat Valley News will host an assembly and school board candidate forum 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 26 in the Haines High School open area.
Haines Borough voters will elect two assembly members and three school board members in the Oct. 1 municipal election. They’ll also decide on a proposed change to the borough charter limiting corporate personhood.
Assembly candidates include George Campbell and write-in candidates Mario Benassi and Diana Lapham.
school board candidates include Sarah Swinton, Ardy Miller, Scott Doddridge, Lisa Schwartz and write-in candidate Kim Larson.
Candidate views will be published in next week’s CVN.
Absentee, in-person voting is ongoing at the borough office through Sept. 30. Applications for by-mail, absentee voting are due at the office by Friday.
Absentee, by-mail ballots must be postmarked no later than Oct. 1 and be received at the borough office by Oct. 8.