The Haines Chamber of Commerce appreciates all the volunteers who make the Fourth of July a spectacular success. Winners of the parade are: 1) Haines Christian Center, 2) Chilkoot Indian Association, and, 3) Antique Auto Mushers of Alaska. We’d like to thank the following individuals and organizations who contributed time or event prizes: Bill Thomas for accepting the honor of parade grand marshal; American Legion for the flag-raising and lowering and watermelon feed; Paul Swift and the Kemp family for the Mount Ripinsky Run; Lee Heinmiller for the parade line-up; Haines Friends of the Library for its book, bake, brats and burger sale; Tomi Scovill for mud volleyball; Dick Flegel for the children’s foot races and money toss; Haines Woman’s Club for its root beer floats and pies; Haines Sportsman’s Association for the trap shoot; The Hammer Museum for the nail-pounding and spike-driving contests; Valley of the Eagle Golf Links for the three-club tournament; Mark Cozzi for the Independence Day Sale; HVFD for fire hose battles; Haines Visitor’s Center for resurrecting the pie-eating contest; Jim Shook for firing his infamous cannon; Phil Wilde and crew for a magnificent fireworks display; organizers of the dunk tank, Zumba and NYO Games at Tlingit Park, and all who participated in the parade. Thank you to parade judges Evangeline Willard-Hoy and Kristine Harder. Thank you to the Antique Auto Mushers of Alaska for joining us. In small-town Haines, Alaska, “United We Stand” remains much more than a theme – it’s a way of life.

Jamie Knudsen

Haines Chamber of Commerce
