On behalf of Mosquito Lake School, I would like to thank the people of Klukwan for their warm hospitality during Klukwan Culture Days. It is important for us to understand the history of the land we are standing on. Thank you all for sharing your rich cultural heritage with us.

  During Culture Days we were invited to listen to stories in the Whale House and the Thunderbird House. We also were able to watch the students from Angoon perform traditional Tlingit dances at the Whale House. Being invited into the clan houses was a rare privilege and we are very grateful for it.

  I would like to thank everyone who was involved in making Klukwan Culture Days a success. I know that a lot of planning and preparation went into this two-day event.  I would especially like to thank Mr. David Katzeek for reminding us that we are all precious children of the earth, each and every one of us.

Kathy Holmes
