The Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Sport Fish Division, would like to thank Howsers IGA, Alaska Sport Shop and Chilkat Guides for helping out with donations and gear for Youth Fishing Day, held on Saturday, April 20 at the 21 Mile pullout on the Haines Highway. Thanks go out to Jason Shull, who shared his experience with numerous kids and helped demonstrate fishing techniques. We would also like to thank the over 50 people who attended; anglers and spectators enjoyed abundant sunshine, good catches of Dolly Varden and cutthroat trout, and a barbecue. We plan to expand this event in April 2014 and include a Dolly Varden derby. Whether you are a plunker or a water whipper, sport fishing is one of the best activities for all ages in the Haines area, so keep wetting those lines!
Brian W. Elliott