In his letter to the editor published Feb. 21, John Schnabel begins by writing “I know nothing…” How true those words are. He writes “…the bill to grant tax relief…never was debated on either the Senate or the House floor.” I hope that Mr. Schnabel is as good at writing apologies as he is at providing incorrect information. Text taken directly from the Alaska Legislative website clearly shows that HB 110 was voted on by the full House, and supported by former state House Rep. Bill Thomas. I further hope Schnabel will apologize for his use of innuendo to demean the character of our Alaska State House representative Jonathan Kreiss-Tomkins. Shame on you, Mr. Schnabel. It is tactics such as these that bring to my mind words like “slimy.”
I would also like to add that if the intent of Mr. Schnabel’s letter is to show support for Gov. Sean Parnell’s billion-dollar giveaway to the oil companies, that he will find me a more than willing and able opponent. These people are thieves and if Mr. Schnabel chooses to abet them it will be a much darker shadow on his character than he could ever foist upon Mr. Kreiss-Tomkins.
John Norton