On behalf of the staff and Board of Directors of KHNS and Lynn Canal Broadcasting, thank you everyone who attended the New Year’s Masquerade Ball. It was an incredible, magical evening and wonderful to see the community’s imagination and celebration. The great volunteers made the event pain-free for the staff! Much appreciation to Cheri Price, Jerrie Clarke, Anne Hanssen for running the door. Sarah Jaymot, you were irreplaceable in the food preparation. Thank you so very much. Lee Heinmiller for his constant presence in light and sound. Gratitude to Maggie Stern and Natalie Benassi for donating their time and creative face painting, and a big thanks to Mark Allen for being available for a safe shuttle home. The bands and musicians rocked – thank you for all the time you put into making the evening a dancing success. Thanks to The Babbling Book and Captain’s Choice for ticket sales. And last but not least, thank you to the KHNS staff and board members who made this possible. Haines and the few Skagway masqueraders, you made this a night to remember! KHNS hopes to make this an annual event!

Leslie Ross, KHNS