The Takshanuk Watershed Council would like to thank everyone who came out to the Wild & Scenic Film Festival. It was a huge success. We would like to congratulate our cord of wood raffle winners: Tish Aldrich and Jerrie Clarke. Congratulations and hope you have a warmer winter. Takshanuk would also like to send out a special thanks to all those who made this event possible: Babbling Book for selling tickets, First National Bank of Alaska for selling raffle tickets, Haines Brewing for providing beverages, Scott Rossman for the wood donations, Jim Stanford for the sled dog ride donations, and the Southeast Alaska State Fair for all its support and providing such a wonderful venue for this event. Stay tuned for the Telluride Film Festival later this winter and join us 3 p.m. Saturday for the Takshanuk Holiday Open House at our office above the Rusty Compass.
Meredith Pochardt