After meeting Amy Gulick and attending her presentation at Harriett Hall, I am saddened that all students in the Haines Borough School District were not allowed to benefit from this excellent presenter. In this day and age of challenging economic times, Amy provided an inspirational example of personal leadership and entrepreneurialism.
What spark in what student might have resulted if the entire student body were exposed to the message of being curious and deciding to find some answers and becoming a successful independent business person in the process?
In following her curiosity, Amy rented planes without doors and traveled by various watercraft throughout the expansive territory of Southeast Alaska in search of answers. Not only did she find answers to her questions, she was exposed to the land, sea, rivers, glaciers, forest, and wildlife of Southeast Alaska. She honed her photography skills, her book publishing skills, and her presentation skills with today’s cutting edge tools. And she shared it all freely in a truly positive manner.
One can only imagine what such terrific role-modeling might have inspired in one, some, or many young female or male students in the school district that were denied the opportunity for Gulick’s presentation in the Haines school. Surely an opportunity lost to do right by local students.
Kathleen Menke