All Big Brothers Big Sisters matches in Haines are still active and monthly match activities are still being organized for participants. The school year has started which means school-based matches will start meeting on school grounds again. No new matches, fundraising, or recruitment can be completed until Big Brothers Big Sisters of Alaska secures more funding for our local program. My previous position as community director is currently inactive. As the match support specialist for Haines (and Ketchikan) I have had the pleasure to organize several match activities for our participants. Matches were invited to a bead workshop at House of Beads and an open swim at the Haines Borough pool over the winter. Last weekend, matches had a fantastic time on the Takshanuk Trail tour. These activities were made possible by a grant from the Chilkat Valley Community Foundation, an affiliate of The Alaska Community Foundation. Valley of the Eagles golf course allowed matches to golf for free all summer and hosted one match activity, too. Thank you to all individuals and organizations that have and continue to support BBBS of Haines and Klukwan.
Sarah Elliott
Match Support Specialist for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Alaska