A suggestion to the citizens of Haines. As you consider contenders for the state house seat coming up, you have a great opportunity to support and help elect a gifted newcomer to Alaska’s political scene, Sitka’s Jonathan Kreiss-Tomkins. It’s all too easy to treat his candidacy lightly because of his youth, but anyone having the chance to observe and work with Jonathan as I have know him to be mature beyond his years. He is thoughtful about the critical issues facing our state, open to many points of view and genuinely interested in knowing what people want and need from their government. His creative intelligence aims at inclusive problem solving from the bottom up and he is dedicated to Southeast communities and public service. Are these not the qualities we need in a legislator? Get to know this young man; you will be much impressed. Jonathan offers us the chance to bring genuinely fresh thinking to Juneau. I urge you to support him.
Dorik Mechau