A workshop on creating a grant application to the Chilkat Valley Community Foundation will be held 2 to 4 p.m. Tuesday, July 31 at the public library.

The foundation will offer a total of $10,500 in grants this year. Deadline for application is Sept. 30. Grants are awarded in November.

There are three categories of grants: operating support grants, new program and special-project grants, and capital grants. Priority is given to proposals “demonstrating planning, collaboration and the greatest likelihood for achieving measurable results,” according to the foundation.

Not-for-profit corporations and affiliates or local chapters of not-for-profit corporations organized under IRS Code 501(c)3 are qualified to apply for and receive grants providing the funds are not used for religious instruction.

  Governments are eligible to apply for and receive grants. Local groups that do not have legal status may partner with an eligible entity that is willing to be the applicant.

Individual grants will range from $500 to $2,500.

  All applicants for grants will be required to provide documentation of legal status, usually a copy of correspondence from the Internal Revenue Service or an authorizing charter. 

For more information, contact the foundation at 766-6868 or see the group’s website, http://www.alaskacf.org/chilkatvalley.

Twelve grants totaling $12,650 were awarded in 2011. Recipients of the largest grants included Southeast Alaska State Fair ($2,500), Lynn Canal Broadcasting, Inc. ($2,200) and Jilkaat Kwaan Heritage Center ($2,000).
