KHNS raised $60,184 during this year’s fundraising drive.
Kay Clements, general manager, said that while the drive officially ended on Friday, the station is still taking pledges for “as long as they keep coming.”
While the station hoped to top $70,000, the amount raised last year, Clements is “really excited” about this year’s results. She said that this is an “amazing amount” for such a small town.
Many businesses and individuals pledged significant amounts of $500 or more, Clements said. KHNS also ended the drive with 501 renewing or new members. She said that last year there were “600-something” renewing or new members.
A quarter of KHNS’s income depends on membership and local business or individual support. Clements also explained that this support helps KHNS obtain grants by showing “that we serve a valuable function” and are supported by the community.
Clements said that each year it’s the station’s goal to top the amount raised in the previous year. But she recognizes that every year is different and that financial support is also dependent on the economy.
Clements said the station had a lot of fun running the fundraiser. “We had a good time.” KHNS has been serving the community 32 years.