Shop at home. Shop locally. Recycle. Sustainability.
What we have in Haines, if we look and adapt, is of great value. Our best resources are, and will always be, the people that live here.
When I learn that the borough hired for a planning and zoning position, but the candidate chosen is living in Florida without the proper visa in place to be able to take the position and therefore cannot report to work for an extended period, I do get discouraged.
Time is money. Staff turnover is money. Consistency means stability and efficiency. Perhaps the local applicants were not a perfect fit or not the best qualified, on paper. But local applicants are here, want to be here, know what they’re getting into, and will stay. Many people who come here solely for the job, especially for the more prestigious jobs, many times leave after a year or two. Let’s face it, Haines can be a tough fit.
Those who live here can be trained and have the desire to work. You know what you are getting. Most of us are here to stay because we love life in Haines, our friends, family and community. We do not live here just for a job.
Please remember that when you are hiring anybody – case workers, teachers, administrators, wait staff, fishing crew, customer service help, anything – anything. Shop local. Buy local. Invest local. It pays off for all of us in the long run.
Suzanne Vuillet-Smith