The Haines Borough Assembly has scheduled meetings and public hearings for review of the fiscal year 2013 budget. All meetings will be in the assembly chambers.

The assembly first will meet as a committee 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 10. Discussion topics include budget introduction, general fund overview, revenues, fund balances, economic trends, allocated expense, Haines Borough School District, library, Community Youth Development and the swimming pool.

The second meeting is 4:30 p.m. on April 24. Discussion will include: administration, assembly, elections, finance, assessment, information technology, lands, the Chilkat Center, economic development/tourism, sinking funds, debt-service funds, dispatch, police, animal control and cruise ship tax funds. The budget ordinance is scheduled for introduction at the 6:30 p.m. regular meeting that night.

Budget topics for discussion at 5:30 p.m. on May 1, will include public works and facilities, solid waste, ports and harbors, capital projects, road maintenance service areas and parks.

The final budget meeting is 4:30 May 8, regarding community funding requests, fire service areas, medical service, water, sewer and the Sheldon Museum.

Public hearings for the budget ordinance have been scheduled for May 8 and May 22, during the 6:30 p.m. regular assembly meetings. If needed, a third public hearing would be June 12.

The budget must be adopted by June 15. To check on changes to the budget schedule, visit
