Mary Price is recovering from heart-related complications at Providence Alaska Medical Center in Anchorage. Mary was briefly released from the hospital following hip surgery before she was readmitted two weeks ago. She appreciates the prayers, cards and visits from friends and family. Children Bill Price and Melody Price-Yonts spent ten days in Anchorage to visit their mom. Mary is thankful for the support of her family in Anchorage, but she misses Haines and feels ready to be home. Send her your notes and best wishes to P.O. Box 112037, Anchorage, AK 99511.
Jerrie Clarke has returned to Abydos, Egypt for her sixth season on an archaeological dig. Last year’s work was cut short when the universities guiding the research made the decision to shut down the project after only two weeks due to the mounting unrest across the country. While on the archaeological site, Jerrie works to inventory finds, check the documentation and preservation condition of artifacts and organize storage locations for new items. Her repeat visits to Egypt have helped her learn enough Arabic to communicate simple ideas to her staff, and a new friend and colleague from the University of Cairo also assists with translation. Jerrie arrived in time to attend the wedding of the children of two of her coworkers, and was happy to meet the wives and families of the men she has worked with over many years. Read about Jerrie’s experiences on the blog she created for the trip. Go to and click on “Jerrie Clarke in Egypt” under Haines Bloggers.
Pam Moore and friends dished out spaghetti to 70 hungry diners Friday to raise money for teen counselors to travel with her to Angoon this summer. Pam, who spreads cheer as Giggles the Clown, is training three teens to work with Angoon children leading games and activities. Karissa Land, Brandon Bachman and Destinee Cowart are also learning to twist balloon animals. “Kids line up for them,” says Pam. The Haines Assembly of God Church sponsors the camp.
A Juneau spaghetti dinner and silent auction is in the works to benefit Staff Sgt. Thomas McRae, who was severely injured during a tour of duty in Afghanistan. Thomas is the great-grandson of Howard (Chief) McRae and the cousin of Jan Hill and Sue Folletti, of Haines. The Marine was serving his second tour in Afghanistan, and formerly served three tours in Iraq. McRae was on a patrol Jan. 16 when an improvised explosive device detonated. McRae had both legs amputated above the knee as well as his left arm. He is recovering from surgeries to repair his vision and other injuries at a military hospital in Bethesda, Md. According to Hill, both U.S. Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Mark Begich have visited McRae in the hospital. Hill is gathering auction items to bring to Juneau for the March 3 event. Stop by her bead shop Wednesday through Saturday in the afternoon or call her at 766-2390 if you would like to contribute an auction item or make a donation. The fundraiser is set for Saturday, March 3, at Juneau’s T&H Community Center, 3235 Hospital Dr. Auction begins at 5 p.m. and dinner is from 6 to 8 p.m.
Camera traps purchased with locally raised funds are capturing elusive wildlife in the Chilkat Valley. Last fall’s fundraiser for Takshanuk Watershed Council’s “Chilkat Forest Investigators” raised enough money to purchase three motion-activated cameras, which students have set up in various locations with the help of program leader Mario Benassi. Ketch Jacobson caught footage of a cow moose and calf. A camera set up by Marirose Evenden documented a rarely seen pine marten. According to Benassi, the cameras will help the group inventory wildlife and track impacts to the animals over time. Last weekend a CFI group discovered a hollow in a tree that housed a Barred Owl. A raucous assembly of Magpies alerted the group to a potential predator in the area and they soon found the tree with a cavity that was “just perfect” for an owl. Charlie Bower climbed the tree to set up a camera when the Barred Owl appeared to survey the group. They believe the owl may be sitting on eggs and hope to document more activity around the site. In order to leave the owl undisturbed, they will let the camera do the work.