The Uglys of Haines would like to thank everyone who attended the 10th Annual “Gifts for Grub” Christmas toy drive dinner. It has been said that “children are proof that God is not discouraged.” Once again the good people of Haines showed up with toys and donations to make Christmas a little brighter for all the children of Haines. We would also like to thank the American Legion family for the use of their facilities and the many side dishes and desserts donated by the Ladies Auxiliary and others as well as our beloved Santa Claus for making an appearance. Thanks to the Salvation Army who will distribute a good portion of the toys. Our “You Play Santa” raffle where a $100 donation each will be made to the charities of their choice were: Cheryl McRoberts for the American Bald Eagle Foundation, J.J. Lende for the Big Brothers/Big Sisters and Jimbo Stevens for Jilkaat Kwaan Heritage House. We look forward to seeing you all again next year. Merry Christmas.
Chuck Mitman
The Uglys of Haines