Twenty-two bull moose were taken in the valley’s annual subsistence moose hunt ending Oct. 7.

The harvest included three sub-legal animals, including one discovered abandoned in the field near Bear Flats. “I could see why somebody might have thought it was a forked (antler), but it was obviously a third point after you looked at it for very long,” said Fish and Game biologist Anthony Crupi.

The remainder of the harvest included 10 bulls with spiked or forked antlers, three with three brow tines on one antler, and six with antler spreads greater than 50 inches.

Two bulls were taken on the Chilkat peninsula. None were taken at Katzehin or in the Chilkoot valley, he said.

“It was a good hunt. There are several tons of moose meat around town. The hunters are happy and the moose looked healthy,” Crupi said.
