The Sheldon Museum staff and board thank those who helped make the Hoedown at Harriett Hall a fun evening: Sweet Sunny North (Tom Heywood, Katya Kirsch, Len Feldman, Gregg Bigsby, and Scott Pearce) for the great music and Gene Kennedy for calling the dances; Paul Wheeler and Haines Brewing Co. for refreshment; Jansy Hansen and her class for loaning the popcorn popper; local quilters for loaning quilts to decorate the room, and the volunteers who helped out where needed. In addition, we would like to thank the Southeast Alaska State Fair staff for all of their help and advice preparing for the event and setting up, and Mountain Spirits for advice and keeping things cold. The staff thanks the museum board for all of their ideas and time spent preparing for and running the hoedown. And, thanks to all of those who attended and supported the museum.

Jerrie Clarke

Director, Sheldon Museum