Regarding the recent decision by the Borough Assembly on filling the vacant seat, I am absolutely appalled and disgusted at the decision of some assembly members. What happened to voting? What happened to representation of the people? Regardless of whom this involves, Karen Hess or John Q. Public, to totally disregard the legal votes of Haines taxpayers and citizens, and to disregard Borough code and the decision of Superior Court Judge Philip Pallenberg is a slap in the face of all Haines residents. To act unprofessionally and prejudicially at an assembly meeting is totally inexcusable. We can recall the assembly members who obviously do not serve the people, we can again file another lawsuit, but most effectively we can vocalize our responses and actively prepare for the next election. Yes, I am mad as hell and disgusted and ashamed of some of our elected assembly members, but no longer am I content to sit back and watch.
Suzanne Newton