Last Tuesday I volunteered at “Challenge Day” at the high school. I have been finding it hard to describe what it was all about and do it justice. Yes, there was lots of hugging and crying and dancing and silly games, but it was much, much more than that.

Most of us had our eyes opened in many ways, with greater acceptance and understanding of ourselves and others. I think that by the end of the day most of the participants felt inspired to become better people and work harder to strengthen our community. With all of the difficult things facing us these days as individuals, families, and as a nation, we can benefit from a stronger community and this was a big step towards that.

I would like to express my appreciation to those who went to an extra effort in order to bring Challenge Day to our high school and making it a success: Lindsey Moore, Cheryl Stickler, Lisa Andriesen, The Alaska Division of Behavioral Health, the Association of Alaska School Boards, the maintenance and kitchen staffs, the teachers and volunteers, and of course the incredible Challenge Day leaders, NeEddra James and Sean Flikke. 

I would especially like to express my appreciation to the students who participated. It was intense, especially for the kids, and they handled it beautifully, with grace, maturity, and much honesty. I was very impressed.  I am glad my kids go to such a great school.

Cindy Buxton
