Thank you Dan and Joanna Egolf and crew at Alaska Backcountry Outfitter for contributing, cross-country ski packages so that “Littles” in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program could participate in the ski event at Chilkoot, free of charge. Thanks also to the board of the Takshanuk Watershed Council for organizing this, very original, ski-paint ball biathalon.

What’s happening next for Big Brothers Big Sisters is our annual Bowl For Kids’ Sake, our once-yearly, community-wide funding drive. Pledge forms are here and our payback bowling party is now planned for Friday, April 29.

. Anyone can participate and help Haines Big Brothers Big Sisters meet its local fundraising obligation. To get your pledge form or more info, drop by our Gateway Building office or call 766-2151.

Burl Sheldon, Haines Big Brothers, Big Sisters
