Want to know more about your community and the people who live here?

The Chilkat Valley Historical Society and Sheldon Museum are again holding their “Brown Bag Series,” weekly presentations focusing on local groups, people and goings-on.

Offered noon each Friday through March upstairs in the museum, the presentations are organized by Doris Ward and Myrna Kornelis. The program begins Feb. 18 with a talk about the Haines Woman’s Club, past and future. The club will serve a chili lunch.

Ward said Brown Bag presentations started about 10 years ago. “The idea originated to give us something to do in the wintertime, and invite people from all walks of life, to talk about what they do, and maybe what they have made or collected. The idea was to have a get-together for us, the local people.”

Previous speakers have included mountaineer Bruce Gilbert, cake-maker Carol Clifton, local historian Bob Henderson and Mayor Jan Hill. “We’ve had them on recycling and gardening, we’ve had a variety and we’ve still got lots of good ones,” Ward said.

Residents who aren’t in the limelight often have interesting stories to tell, she said. “We try to spread it around and try to get people there who usually aren’t before the public.”

Admission is free and residents are encouraged to bring their lunch.
