I find it interesting that a certain handful of folks are expressing opposition to the purchase of Picture Point by the borough. If assembly members want to know what the community thinks about the purchase of Picture Point, they should put the question on the ballot.

  In the meantime, for further consideration, here are some ways the purchase of Picture Point will benefit the community:

Public access for residents and tourists to the waterfront at this unique scenic location will be guaranteed for the future. What the borough might lose from tax revenue from one property being removed will be more than compensated for by the general increase in property values that will occur when we plan and develop our community and waterfront in a mindful way. Picture Point can be developed in a way that promotes the scenic and natural assets of our community and waterfront. Keeping Picture Point as a public asset gives more reasons for residents to build a life here and for tourists to visit here. Keeping as much of the local waterfront as natural as possible and accessible to the public is a long-term investment in the well-being of the community. Borough residents have repeatedly provided input in various public hearings and processes that maintaining the natural assets of the community and the waterfront are important to community members.

Kathleen Menke
