How does Haines survive when “it doesn’t have an industry, period”? We survive because we have many industries. There are 687 business licenses registered here; 491 of those are from Haines addresses, and 86 are new businesses that started this year.
A community prospers when it takes in more money than it sends out. Fishermen sell fish. Tour operators sell experiences. Artists sell artwork. These are just a few examples of industries that bring money into Haines. There’s also the mailbox economy. Most retired people get monthly checks, which add up to a large percentage of the money that enters the community.
For economic development we should look to help businesses within our community, instead of hoping for a savior from outside. For example, the borough could set up a small business loan program based on the principles of the Nobel Prize-winning Grameen Bank.
Nothing happening in Haines? In the last decade or so we’ve built a new school, a library, senior housing, an assisted living center, a playground, an ice machine, water system improvements and numerous homes. The clinic has greatly expanded. The boat harbor is improved. Many of our roads have been reconstructed and paved. There is a roof over the basketball courts. Workers are currently enduring cold and wind to build a new port of entry at the dock.
We should be proud of what we have done and thankful that we are doing a lot better than many other places.
Rob Goldberg