President after president, administrator after administrator, council after council and last, but not least, nepotism after nepotism. This is very much so. Seems like they forgot the rest of us, as usual.
This is what I see and hear every day: 1) Non-natives in our IRA and teaching our children. 2) By-laws neglected. No meetings or gatherings. 3) Lies after lies. Oh it’s true. You should all resign. 4) Lawsuit in effect because of two council members. They should pay it, right? 5) No training our young ones to be future leaders. 6) Making themselves look good. 7) Misuse of government funds. I hear you get new septic tanks, council members. What did you do to get that? 8) Many of the Natives in Haines live in poverty, do you care? 9) I must say this to all in Klukwan: I’m very proud of what you’ve done for your village and people.
And again I write about our IRA, whom I’m very ashamed of. Our culture and dignity exist no longer because of our IRA. Someone needs to expose you.
Phillip Jackson