Photographers, artists, crafters, writers, painters, cooks, woodworkers, recyclers and gardeners have only a few days to get their exhibits in to the Southeast Alaska State Fair.

The fair awards cash prizes to youths who win ribbons, and this year, prizes also will be awarded to department winners. “We have some really neat prizes donated by businesses in Haines, Skagway and Juneau,” said exhibits manager Deana Stout.

Most exhibits can be dropped off between 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday at Harriett Hall or between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Saturday.

Categories include crochet, knitting, needlework, fiber arts, quilting and sewing; fine art and fine crafts; writing and music; photography; woodworking; Native-style arts; pioneer arts and recycling; hobbies and crafts and school projects.

Exceptions include baked goods, crops, vegetables and flowers, which are due between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Wednesday.

Youths win $3 for a blue ribbon, $2 for a red ribbon and $1 for a white ribbon.

Department prizes generally match departments. For example, the department winner in knitting will win a book on knitting. Other prizes include glass stars, a silver pendant and a case of canning jars. There also will be prizes for division winners in some departments.

A baking contest, sponsored by Fleischman’s yeast, offers prizes in junior, senior and professional divisions.

Fair exhibit booklets can be picked up on newsstands around town or at the fair office or Visitor’s Center. For information, contact the fair at 766-2476.
