Haines Police are investigating a break-in at the mothballed elementary school by teenagers May 29.

But the school has apparently been broken into so many times in recent months it may be impossible to determine whether vandalism discovered there was the work of youths at the scene or someone who’d been there earlier.

Vandals have broken windows and lighting fixtures, smashed light bulbs and poured paint on the floors of the building, according to borough officials. “Borough workers say they’ve gone in there on a regular basis and have been observing damage. There’s a lot of damage that’s occurred inside that building,” Lowe said.

Lowe said he didn’t know how people were getting inside but that the borough is in the process of boarding up the building, which is slated for demolition later this year.

“I don’t know that we’ll be able to tie any particular person to any specific damage.”

One minor will be charged with possession of alcohol and another three or four may be charged with either possession or trespassing. Police won’t seek vandalism charges.

“In a building that’s going to be demolished, it’s hard to prove they caused damage to something of value if it’s going to be demolished anyway,” Lowe said.
